Welcome to Iniva’s new website. We are in the process of updating content throughout. We welcome your feedback at info@iniva.org


Priya Jay


Priya Jay is a writer and faciliator. Her practice is led by questions of literacies, embodiment, sustenance and liberation: through the body, the page, the land and the archive. Her work comes together as printed matter, objects, meals and grief gatherings.

With iniva, Priya has co-ordinated the Future Commons project (2021-23), developed the More-than-Human Care Research Network (2019), led reading groups and edited several publications. She was the co-editor of Floating Margins, along with Amrita Dhallu – the first publication to emerge from STUART, the communal design platform established by Rose Nordin.

Priya has worked in curatorial, writing and facilitation capacities with organisations such as Arts Catalyst, Metroland Cultures, Serpentine, The Common Guild, Camden Art Centre, Wellcome Collection, Barbican, Auto Italia, Glasgow Zine Library, MAIA Group and Fevered Sleep.
