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Simina Neagu


Simina Neagu was Programme and Operations Coordinator at iniva from 2017 to 2022. She has previously worked with various arts organisations and artists including Chisenhale Gallery, Céline Condorelli and Aleksandra Mir and as a commissioned writer for Gothenburg Museum of Art, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, and The Project Biennial of Contemporary Art, D-0 ARK Underground. She curated group, solo exhibitions and screenings at Gallery S O (London, 2017), Suprainfinit Gallery (Bucharest, 2016), Knoll Galerie (Vienna and Budapest, 2012-2013), Centre for Visual Introspection (Bucharest, 2011-2012) and Pavilion Unicredit (Bucharest, 2011) among others.

Her writing was published in springerin, 3AM Magazine, Revista ARTA, and Kajet Journal among others. She graduated with a BA in Art History from University of Bucharest and an MA in Aesthetics & Art Theory from CRMEP, Kingston University London. Her research and writing is concerned with notions of translation, identity, diaspora and migration particularly in a post-socialist context, while her curatorial work, often in collaboration with curator Valentina Bin, encompasses experimenting with exhibition formats, art writing, and alternative art education.

At iniva Simina assisted in coordinating a number of programmes includes Syllabus, Research Network and Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm.

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