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Artist, Collective

Earthchild Remedies


Earthchild Remedies is a company, founded in 2022 by Rebekah Williams that explores wellness through practices that seek to re-connect Global Majority and Queer communities back to the land. However sessions are open to all.

In the UK, our communities are affected the most by mental health related issues whilst having the least access to services and practices that could change this. Earthchild Remedies is about creating accessible spaces, sharing knowledge and bringing people together to allow individuals of all ages, genders, sexualities and faiths to have autonomy over their health and wellbeing.

This currently takes the form of meditative urban foraging, sacred moon circles, sound bathing and natural medicine making workshops.

Bekah is an urban forager, trainee Maroon herbalist, community wellness builder, facilitator, cultural events producer and sociopolitical photographer.

Bekah is a huge advocate for assisting and inspiring Black, Brown and other Global Majority and Queer communities to return to nature, reclaim ancestral plant knowledge ad ethically forage as a way to manage mental, physical and spiritual health in communion with others.

Earthchild Remedies is anti racist, decolonial, trans-inclusive, queer friendly, inter-faith, culturally appreciative and age inclusive.

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