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Critic, Writer

Suzanne Dhaliwal


Suzanne Dhaliwal is a Climate Justice Creative, Campaigner, Researcher, Lecturer in Environmental Justice and Trainer in Creative Strategies for Decolonisation.

Voted one of London’s most influential people in Environment 2018 by the Evening Standard. In 2009 she co-founded the UK Tar Sands Network, which challenged BP and Shell investments in the Canadian tar sands in solidarity with frontline Indigenous communities, spurring the internationalisation of the fossil fuel divestment movement. Suzanne has led campaigns and artistic interventions to challenge fossil fuel investments in the Arctic and Nigeria that violate the rights of Indigenous peoples, and of those seeking justice in the wake of the BP Gulf of Mexico disaster. Her corporate and financial campaigning spans over a decade. In 2017 she spearheaded a European coalition to challenge the insurance industry on their underwriting of highly polluting coal and tar sands projects.

Suzanne has worked as a media consultant to support the Indigenous Environmental Network in securing international media during the COP21 and COP23 climate negotiations and continues to work as a media consultant to centre frontline Indigenous voices in the climate movement. She completed a Research Fellowship at the Centre for Research in Spatial Environmental and Cultural Politics at the University of Brighton, researching the role of media and representation in climate justice organising. 

Suzanne was practice tutor in Ecology Futures at the St. Joost School of Art and Design and lectures at universities globally on climate and creative practice. Last year she exhibited ‘Sunkissed: Reimagining Redistribution’ her first solo show at the Venice Architecture Biennale. She regularly consults on TV and Hollywood productions on the future of representation of climate crises and worldbuilding solutions. 


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