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Map - iniva
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This pocket-sized book is an atlas of maps and dreams by artists and writers worldwide. Charting various personal, physical and psychological journeys, Maps is divided into three sections.

The first consists of texts and bibliographical references to texts, both fictional and non-fictional ranging from Andre Brink’s An Instant in the Wind and an extract from Wilson Harris’ novel Palace of the Peacock to Edward W. Said’s Culture and Imperialism and Henri Lefebvre’s The Production of Space.

The third section could be described as an atlas of artists’ maps and desires, consisting of an eclectic array of artists’ works and diagrams from Vermeer to Bhimji, from Moholy-Nagy to Bennett. Wedged between these two sections, are a series of individual ‘lost testimonies’ edited by writer Deborah Levy.



ISBN: 1-899846-07-7
88pp, Softback, 210 x 110mm,
46 colour images Iniva, 1996
Published on occasion of Maps Elsewhere, Beaconsfield, London 1996