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This fully illustrated publication includes dialogues between the artist and critic Gavin Jantjes and some of Europe’s most important visual artists – Carlos Capelán, Marlene Dumas, Chohreh Feyzdjou, Susan Hiller, Huang Yong Ping, Marie-Jo Lafontaine and David Medalla.

In these illuminating and dynamic conversations, works of art and the lives of these artists are the starting point for discussions around definitions of home, border and internationalism.

Pennina Barnett, Leili Echghi and Peter Foolen discuss the work of the late artist Chohreh Feyzdjou and the book also includes a glossary of terms compiled by Rohini Malik and Gavin Jantjes.


What people say

'Exploring the ideas of a new internationalism in the contemporary art of Europe with artists rather than just theoreticians is not to ignore theory, but to include within it the vital and down to earth voices of those solitary and independent adventures which provide the source materials for the theoretical texts about contemporary visual art.' Gavin Jantjes


ISBN: 1-899846-13-1
168pp, 260 x 240mm, 166 illustrations (137 in colour)
Iniva, 1998