Welcome to Iniva’s new website. We are in the process of updating content throughout. We welcome your feedback at info@iniva.org

Transformation of Silence

27 Nov 2023-13 Dec 2024

Transformation of Silence into Words & Action is the title of an essay by poet, feminist, activist & educator Audre Lorde.

Under this banner we will come together for collective study, scanning, zine making and research on Palestine and Israel, to transform our silences into language and take action in making audible demands, for collective freedoms, self-determination and joy through the works of artists, writers and other cultural producers.

We offer the Stuart Hall Library and our resources to everyone who wants to come together with others in dialogue, to develop pedagogies, for read-ins and teach-ins, in line with all of the work iniva has supported over the past 30 years, and to counter the continual misinformation we see in the media. 


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