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Activity Planner (Consultancy Role)

iniva (Institute of International Visual Arts) seeks to engage an experienced and professional freelance Activity Planner to develop, create and deliver an Activity Plan by May 2025 in advance of a National Lottery Heritage Fund 2nd Round (Delivery Phase) funding application, which is scheduled for submission in August 2025.

The Activity Plan must be in the appropriate format in line with the National Lottery Heritage Fund requirements for submission to a second-round Delivery Phase funding application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

The appointed consultant will be required to build on outlined proposals to develop a fully­ costed Activity Plan for the project in liaison with iniva staff, the Living Legacies project team, and iniva’s external project partners. 

Scope of works

The Activity Planner will:

  • Carry out audience analysis: Commissioning Audience Finder (or similar) to expand iniva’s knowledge of our local audiences and their demographics. Conducting in depth research with user surveys to reinforce our understanding of how our archive could meets our audiences needs.
  • Lead staff & stakeholder consultation: including meetings with full team, volunteers, board and key partner meetings to assess capacity and expectations for the Delivery Phase. In addition, identifying other key stakeholders for consultation.
  • Lead and deliver full community group consultations: Reaching out to local community group leaders (specifically for the targeted youth and elder provision) to explore gaps in local provision
  • Lead and deliver the short Pilot Project: reflecting on group consultation utilise archival material to run 3x workshops with young or older people to assess impact and hone delivery method.
  • Produce a Volunteer & Training Plan: research and develop a detailed timetable and
  • itinerary for volunteers, placements and trainees that maximises long term impact for participants.
  • Create a Draft Activity Plan: Drawing together all the research and making a compelling argument for target audiences and the activity programme ready for iniva’s Development Phase Review in May 2025, conducting revisions ready for the final version to be submitted in June 2025.
  • Establish a detailed timeline for the Activity Plan, providing dates for phasing and completion of key activities and milestones.
  • Identify key performance indicators to support the Evaluation Planner in an integrated evaluation methodology.
  • Liaise with the Project Manager to ensure the Activity Plan is integrated within other project plans and budget.
  • Abide by iniva’s safeguarding policy and national data protection guidelines, advising on additional safeguarding for implementing activities across the project for working with vulnerable groups.
  • Attend the National Lottery Heritage Project meetings as required, including Sub-Committee visits or reviews.


iniva will require the Consultant to include the following outputs:

  • A fully researched Activity Plan as set out in the National Lottery Heritage Fund guidance, including plans for audience engagement and development, formal and informal learning, participation, community outreach and volunteering.
  • A fully costed 4-year Action Plan to deliver the Activity Plan with performance indicators and SMART target actions for integrated evaluation methodology for submission as part of the Delivery Phase application.
  • A fully costed Training Plan for the proposed posts within the Delivery Phase.
  • Job descriptions for proposed posts to be funded through the Delivery Phase.
  • An electronic copy of the final documents in PDF and Word formats, with appendices detailing the full scope of research and work.
  • Electronic copies of source material.
  • Electronic copies of any presentations relating to the Activity Plan.

Tender Requirements 

The tender should include the following:

  • Proposed methodology, programme and timescales.
  • A CV detailing relevant experience of activity planning and development, especially for National Lottery Heritage Fund funded projects.
  • Specific challenges and learning from previous National Lottery Heritage Fund activity planning work and how you would apply that to iniva’s programme.
  • A fixed-price quote proving a cost breakdown together with confirmation of any expenses including daily rates and VAT registration if applicable.
  • Confirmation that the consultant has the capacity to complete the work within the contract period indicated above.
  • Insurance details. Consultants who do not hold the required level of insurance cover may indicate the cost of obtaining this additional cover and this will be added to the total cost of the quoted price for comparison purposes.
  • A valid Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check certificate for working with vulnerable people.
  • The contact details of two referees.

How to Submit

The tender documentation should be marked ‘Living Legacies Activity Planner Consultant tender‘ in PDF format and sent to Tavian Hunter, Project Manager at thunter@iniva.org no later than 19 August 2024, 5pm.

Any documentation arriving after this time will not be accepted.

Short-listed candidates will be invited to interview and will be asked to make a presentation of their proposal.


Any enquiries about the tender process and general questions should be submitted to info@iniva.org no later than 5 August 2024, 5pm. Questions submitted after this time will not be answered.

Read the full brief below for more context, requirements and process for procurement of the consultancy services to carry out these tasks. 

Location: Remote working or at iniva’s premises at 16 John Islip Street in Pimlico with the ability to travel to London for meetings and workshops 

Reporting to: Living Legacies Project Manager 

Contract period: October 2024 – June 2025