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London – City of Paradox

03 Apr 2012
  • Venue

    Rivington Place

  • Time


  • Admission

    Free; please book by email to m.fathi@uel.ac.uk

In support of the International Conference at the University of East London London- City of Paradox, Iniva is screening a programme of short films on the conference theme.

The conference examines London as a site of inclusion and exclusion – a city which has both encouraged and discouraged migration and settlement, and which has stimulated heterogeneity and homogeneity. It will provide opportunites to consider how powerful institutions have shaped discourses of nation and empire, of internationalism and globalism. It will examine multiple contradictions associated with the past and the present – London, City of Paradox.

The exhibition Roee Rosen: Vile, Evil Veil by Roee Rosen will be open.

To secure a place book by email to Masi Fathi m.fathi(at)uel.ac.uk