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Artist of the week: NS Harsha

NS Harsha exhibited his installation of 192 sewing machines ‘Nations’ at Rivington Place in 2009. The artist is showing again in the UK, this time at the Asia Triennial in Manchester (1 October – 27 November).

His work ‘Thought Mala’ for the Asia Triennial is installed in the John Rylands Library. Visitors are offered spiritual garlands which Harsha has produced to borrow – as they would a book in the library – and are encouraged to handle, wear and meditate over them.

The Victorian gothic building, which is justifiably compared to a cathedral in appearance, has its interior transformed from a site of learning and theory to one of calm contemplation and spiritual reflection by Harsha’s ‘Thought Mala’ piece.

NS Harsha

NS Harsha

NS Harsha lives and works in Mysore, India.  He studied for a BFA in Painting at C.A.V.A. Mysore (1992), has a Masters in Painting from Faculty of Fine Arts, Baroda (1995) and received the Sanskriti Award, Sankriti Pratishthan, New Delhi (2003). He was also the recipient of the 3rd Artes Mundi Prize awarded in 2008. NS Harsha worked with Iniva in the 1990s and was also part of Iniva’s Drawing Space: contemporary Indian drawing exhibition in 2000.