Welcome to Iniva’s new website. We are in the process of updating content throughout. We welcome your feedback at info@iniva.org


This blog is a space for many different voices. Opinions expressed by the bloggers and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iniva. We invite and welcome broad discussion and debate, but Iniva is not responsible for the content, accuracy or validity of any of the information, or for external links to and from the blog. Iniva does reserve the right to delete and block offensive comments.

All content published in this blog is the intellectual property of the authors and should not be reproduced or copied without permission and without giving credit. Photographs and images are supplied by the bloggers. Documentation of library events belongs to Iniva, and permission must be sought from Iniva before using any content from Iniva blog posts. Please contact the library with any copyright queries: library@iniva.org