Last week saw the launch of Issa Samb’s exhibition at Iniva, but also artists Larry Achiampong and David Blandy’s project and installation, BITERS. There was an excellent turn out to the opening which prompted the artists to launch into a spontaneous performance moving around the gallery space.
Through BITERS, the artists examine the possibility for truthful, authentic experience via the popular cultures that have influenced them. The installation is open to the public in Iniva’s Education Space from Thur-Sat until 3 July.
Here is a video clip and a few photos of the evening:

BITERS: Larry Achiampong and David Blandy

BITERS installation. Photo Christa Holka

BITERS installation


BITERS installation
A talk on sample culture with the artists and writer Morgan Quaintance takes place on Saturday 21 June, 3pm (free), and there’s another chance to see the BITERS perform on 3 July, 6:30pm (£5/£3). Find out more.