It seems to be a very zine-tastic time at the moment in the library. Last week Sonia attended the ‘It’s Your Write’ event at the Museum of Childhood organised by The Papered Parlour .

Sonia presented a talk along with The Women’s Library, to discuss our respective zine collections. It was a fantastic event with extremely positive feedback and it was a great chance to promote our zine collection to fellow zinesters and the uninitiated. Please do check The Papered Parlour website for further information as recordings and documents of the evening will be uploaded shortly. And continuing our current zine frenzy, we are getting excited about the 2011 London Zine Symposium taking place this Sunday.
The event takes place Sunday 17th April 12-6pm at The Rag Factory, Heneage Street, London, E1 5LJ. The full programme of events including workshops, stalls, and the radical history of Brick Lane is now available on their website. With over 60 zine and comix distros on the day we are looking forward to buying lots of new zines for our library collection. We hope to see some of you there!