Welcome to Iniva’s new website. We are in the process of updating content throughout. We welcome your feedback at info@iniva.org

Stuart Hall Library Research Network – more information

The Stuart Hall Library Research Network is a new forum for researchers whose work resonates with Stuart Hall’s intellectual thinking and Iniva’s vision.

Monthly meetings will provide an opportunity to present an aspect of your work, followed by an informal discussion.

The proposal deadline for the 31 January 2013 presentation has been extended to
Friday 25 January 2013.

The deadline for February presentations is Thursday 31 January 2013.

The deadline for March presentations is Thursday 28 February 2013.

For more information and to submit a proposal, email Sonia Hope and Roshini Kempadoo (The first Stuart Hall Library Animateur) at


More information is also available on the Iniva website .

Meetings will take place monthly on Thursdays:

January 31, February 28, March 28 2013

If you would like to join in discussions by attending the meetings, please contact us to reserve a place.