We have over 80 current journal titles in the library and one of my most time consuming but enjoyable tasks is the job of indexing individual journal articles and creating abstracts. This involves going through key journal titles and researching the most interesting and exciting articles, reviews, and essays for our library users, and creating new catalogue records to make them accessible to everyone.
While this is usually a very lengthy process it’s always worth it, and the job is made so much more enjoyable when you come across genuinely engaging and exciting articles.
We are always happy to see the latest issue of N.Paradoxa arrive in our library as the process of indexing and creating abstracts doesn’t seem quite so time consuming with this journal.
N.Paradoxa is the international feminist art journal providing spotlights on female artists and feminist theory in an international context. And it’s not just loved by the library team, at the end of each day I can guarantee you will find at least one issue left out on the tables having been consulted by library visitors during the day.N.Paradoxa have now published their fantastic online Twelve Step Guide to Feminist Art History and Criticism. Each step asks a series of important questions while providing links to key texts, artists, and exhibition catalogues, many of which you can find in the Stuart Hall Library!
This is a fantastic online resource for anyone researching feminist art history and criticism, particularly in an international context, please do check it out. And the next time you are in the library make sure you take a look at our full collection of N.Paradoxa.