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Save the Arts campaign

We would like to draw your attention to the recent Save the Arts campaign. This campaign is organised by the London branch of the Turning Point Network, a national consortium of over 2,000 arts organisations and artists dedicated to working together and finding new ways to support the arts in the UK.

Iniva is one of the many institutions represented in the London Turning Point Network. We would like to direct all our library visitors and researchers past and present to take a look at the campaign and direct you to the online petition appealing to the government to reconsider funding cuts for the arts. Our library users consist of artists, curators, researchers, educators, students, young people, and the general public and we hope that you will all see the long term benefits of supporting the arts in this way.

Unfortunately as of yet there is no national campaign to save existing library services which are also severely under threat. It was recently announced that the MLA is to be disbanded and there are increasing cuts being made to library services across all sectors, particularly public library services. Libraries, archives, and the heritage sector are unfortunately suffering just as much as the arts, although with less sympathetic media attention. We hope that you continue to support libraries and recognise their cultural and social significance. The CILIP website currently has a brief overview of ways in which you can support all library services. Library and Information professionals are also encouraged to contact CILIP to defend the role of libraries across a wide range of sectors. For more information please visit the CILIP website here