Young people from four schools in the Borough of Hackney showcase artwork produced from the One & Other project exploring communalities in culture. Many of us no longer identify ourselves with one country, and the internet means that we are more likely to have contact with people in different parts of the world.
Artists Larry Achiampong, Dia Batal and Agnes Poitevin-Navarre use sound, video, ceramic and painting – asking what does it mean to be part of an international community? They focus on the familiarity of culture that gives us a sense of belonging. Stories are created around, for example, food as a metaphor with its historical associations, personal memories, and rituals; the characteristics of domestic architecture from different countries, and objects found at home which may have been passed on from grandparents.
Years 5 and 6 (aged 10-11 year olds) from Shacklewell, Sebright, Saint Scholasticas and Brook Community schools are taking part in the project.
Organised by Iniva in collaboration with A Space.
The One and Other project is funded by A New Direction with gudiance from the Learning Trust – Hackney.
Open Thursday 12 – 9pm and Friday, Saturday 12 – 6pm.