The Iniva Student Research Lab is a pilot project to support the studies of local students undertaking their A/AS Levels in Art & Design.
Iniva is ideally placed to offer this opportunity/project because of its location in Hackney as well as its specialist interest in working with contemporary global and contemporary art.
Iniva Learning in collaboration with the Iniva Library has designed a series of workshops for students to participate in where they will learn new skills in research, critical thinking and portfolio development. These workshops will take place in the gallery, library and local education spaces.
The Research Lab has been created at Iniva specifically to provide local students with access to a professional specialist art library, professional librarians and experienced educators. Students will be encouraged to access the gallery with guided tours led by an art educator to support (and build?) their portfolios.
A dedicated research lab blog has been set up to support students in sharing their ideas and artwork. Through this resource teachers and Iniva professionals will feed back to students. The blog also acts as a depository for Iniva staff to share links and related information which will support the A/AS Level studies.
Over a period of several months through visits, workshops and the blog the Research Lab will become a space for students to network through their creative practices.
If you are a teacher or student and want to find out more please contact our Education Curator Teresa Cisneros.