Alien Nation is an ambitious and thought-provoking touring exhibition that explores the complex relationship between science fiction, race and contemporary art.
Inspired by the connection between sci-fi cinema of the 1950s and ‘60s and the Cold War period, Alien Nation is curated by John Gill, Jens Hoffmann and Gilane Tawadros and presents the work of twelve contemporary international artists who all explore themes of ‘otherness’ and ‘difference’ through the language and iconography of science fiction.
Featuring newly commissioned works by David Huffman, Hew Locke, Kori Newkirk, Eric Wesley and Mario Ybarra among others, these witty and provocative artworks expose a disturbing contemporary narrative in which the media perpetuate the terror of ‘invasion’ from immigrants, asylum seekers (indeed any racial, cultural or ethnic ‘other’) and position such ‘outsiders’ as the dominant threat to both family and national stability.
Alien Nation is co-produced by the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) and the Institute of International Visual Arts (inIVA) and is supported by Arts Council England and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.