Newport Primary School, A Space and Iniva have developed a 6 month collaborative art making project working with parents, teachers and students to create a collective quilt exploring heritage, storyteling and sense of belonging. With Artist Aya Haidar.
About the project
A Place for Conversation project was created with Newport Primary School to make a space for parents, teachers and students to reflect on where they feel they belong in terms of culture, identity, heritage and home. Through art making workshops and discussions, parents were initially asked to think about one story they would like to pass on to their children. These stories were then visually represented through textile fabrics and made into samplers (quilt squares).
Students and teachers were also asked to create samplers which explore heritage through an event like the World Cup. Through this process both groups have made represenative flags, which have been added to the parents samplers to create a large school collective quilt.
To see the results visit our on-line gallery of the collabortive works made as seen at an exhibition at Rivington Place in July 2014.