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New Library Reading Group


The Stuart Hall Library is hosting a new Reading Group beginning 14th October and meeting monthly on the second Thursday of each month 6 – 7:30pm and we want you to get involved.

The Reading Group is an opportunity to find out more about our unique library collections and to take part in a variety of discussions focusing on a series of key texts selected by the library team. The selected key texts are interdisciplinary covering a wide range of subject matter and interests such as art theory and visual culture, politics, philosophy, popular culture, digital media, and education. These key texts will stimulate a series of discussions and debates elaborating on issues such as multiculturalism, identity politics, and cultural diversity in the visual arts.

The Stuart Hall Library is a space for informal discussions where all opinions and thoughts are welcome and encouraged. The Reading Group is open to all – artists, writers, students, library visitors, and anyone with a general interest in any of the topics and discussions. No background knowledge or qualification is necessary, we welcome all participants as well as those online.

For those unable to physically attend the reading group meetings, we would still love for you to engage with the discussions and to suggest your key texts. Throughout the series of meetings we will be using this blog to summarise

points of discussions and provide links to key texts and materials in the library. We would like to make these discussions accessible to all, so please do feel free to contribute your thoughts and ideas either via the blog or by emailing the library team libary@iniva.org

We would love to hear your response to the texts suggested as well as your own experience and ideas relating to the themes as we start this project.

A list of selected readings will be made available in advance of the first meeting. To register your interest or to find out more information about the Reading Group please contact a member of the library team.