Goldin Senneby, 2011
The Decapitation of Money, 2010
Artists Goldin + Senneby examine the abstract nature of money in their research and as part of their practice. In 2010 they created an installation linking two events of the last century, the formation of Georges Bataille’s secret, anti-sovereignty society ‘Acéphale’ (‘Headless’) and the formation of the Eurodollar in the 1950s, when Soviet and Chinese deposited dollars in Europe, evading US financial jurisdiction at the start of the Cold War. This is one of the first developments of modern finance, where money operates in an virtual or abstract economic space, removed from territorial sovereign boundaries. Exploring the nature of money, its value and its physical nature is complex, elusive and still evolving especially in today’s world of virtual finance. Visit Goldin+Senneby to see more of their work exploring economics and finance through creative means.
Curated by Sandra Terdjman, Kadist Art Foundation, Paris in 2010. www.kadist.org