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Future Fantasteek!


Jackie Batey, Future Fantasteek! #5 …Credit Crunch Issue October 2008

New display of zines and artists’ sketchbooks in the Stuart Hall Library

Future Fantasteek! creator Jackie Batey has been producing beautiful and creatively significant books, multiples and zines for the past thirteen years. Now anxiety, humour and modern living are themes that thread through her work with a satirical focus.

FF wide group

Future Fantasteek display in the Stuart Hall Library

Batey draws or writes content for the zine on her commute to work. Themes represent the general of events from the artist’s day or week, from being irritated at broken machines, rude people, apathy and quick fixes, fake medical promises, fashion, celebrity endorsements, Christmas, to commercialism.


Future Fantasteek display in the Stuart Hall Library

Her books are hand worked using photography, illustration, found objects and hand lettering. She makes limited editions that vary between 10 and 50 and creates about 3 new titles per year.


She has produced 26 titles to date which are held in around fifty national and international permanent collections.

Find out more about the Stuart Hall Library and it’s collection of zines

Call for zines!

We are looking for zines relating to cultural diversity, race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality, as well as personal/political/arts based zines. Find out how you can donate your publication here