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Call for Proposals Research Network 2020: Global Re-visions

Coinciding with our 25th Anniversary Year, the Research Network theme Global Re-visions looks to expand on our founding ideas which were articulated in our first symposium ‘A New Internationalism’ held at Tate Britain in 1994 which announced Iniva’s arrival. A constellation of voices unpack what might be new or fresh in the conversation around globalisation and can be found in the essays published in the accompanying publication, Global Visions: Towards a New Internationalism in the Visual Arts.

‘The only certainty which emerged at the close of two days of intense and provocative discussion was that this was the beginning of the debate and not its conclusion’ – Gilane Tawadros, Global Visions: Towards a New Internationalism in the Visual Arts.

To reignite debate, we invite applicants to reflect on the concept of New Internationalism and build upon ideas presented at the symposium, considering their relevance and impact.

Applicants are encouraged to engage with some of Iniva’s core concerns and consider how the discourse around these ideas has developed over the years. Proposals could address, but are not limited to:

  • Internationalism in the arts
  • Nationalism in global politics
  • Transnational social movements
  • Translocalism
  • Cultural exchange and diplomacy
  • Critical museology
  • Disrupting eurocentrism
  • Translation, language and text
  • Hybridity and post-colonialism
  • Migration and exile
  • Diaspora and displacement
  • Citizenship and statelessness
  • Decolonisation and its impact
  • The cosmopolitan and the avant-garde

We have created a reading list of resources to support the development of proposals: Global Re-visions reading list.

Notes to applicants

The Research Network is Stuart Hall Library’s public programme of monthly presentations and reading groups. It acts as a testing ground for new ideas within a peer group and a meeting place for researchers, artists, academics, curators, activists and library users to meet and discuss aspects of their practice. This may include: visual arts, film and media, curatorial practice, cultural studies, social sciences, cultural activism, postcolonial studies, literary studies, including criticism and theory. Please become part of our Facebook Group to join the network.

Research Network events may include in-conversations, artist presentations, performance lectures, discussions, or panel discussions.

The events will take place between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021. We aim to programme at least six events taking place 6.30-8.30pm every two months within the year. The events will alternate with six reading groups led by Iniva’s librarians expanding on the themes of the Research Network.

Proposals are encouraged from artists, curators and practitioners working in the fields listed above.

We are keen to encourage those already engaged in research-based practices, who are seeking a response to existing or current research or would like to share research outcomes to apply. The library will find an appropriate respondent to your proposal, who will engage with your work during the event. We are also open to you ideas as to who would make a fitting respondent for your proposal.

To apply

Please submit a short expression of interest in one PDF document consisting of:

  1. Description of the event you plan to undertake (max 400 words).

This must include an outline of your plan for the event, how the proposed event addresses the theme, and how the event fits within Iniva’s mission.

  1. Statement of desired outcomes of the proposal (100 words).

You may wish to write a guest blog post (max 200 words) to be published on our website, if so please indicate your interest in doing this. It is not mandatory to produce a blog as all events will be recorded. We will also include a short interview with the participant on our blog.

  1. Brief biography and / or cv outlining research / art practice interests (200 words max). Include the following contact details – phone number/ Skype username/ email address.
  2. Outline technical support required, if any.
  3. Supply no more than five images which must be provided as part of the single PDF and / or a link to website.

Please ensure that your PDF document is saved in the following format: firstname.surname.researchnetwork2020

Selection Process

Proposals will be selected by a panel comprising Iniva programming team.

Stuart Hall Library programmes workshops throughout the year; as such we will not be considering workshops or series of event proposals as part of the Research Network.

Deadline for proposals: 4 November 2019, 5pm.


We can provide some support in terms of marketing, coordination and limited technical support and equipment – please take into account when submitting your proposal and contact the Library & Archive Manager if you have any questions about available equipment.

The Stuart Hall Library holds over 10,000 book volumes, a collection of journals including many rare items important to the UK black arts movement, a growing collection of contemporary artist and activist zines, and a substantial AV collection of artists’ films and interviews as well as documentation of Iniva exhibition events.

Iniva does not pay for travel, accommodation or expense costs to participate in the Research Network.

Honorarium: £100 per speaker. We work with selected participants to curate the event and select a respondent as needed and will pay their honorarium.

Sadly we cannot reply to all those who submit proposals, however, we are grateful for the time taken to contribute to Iniva’s programme.

Please email proposals to library@iniva.org with ‘Research Network 2020’ in the subject line.

Iniva reserves the right to review the criteria and the programme is subject to change.