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Artist of the week: Othello De’souza-Hartley

Othello De’Souza-Hartley is a photographer and visual artist. He received a BA Honors in Media and Cultural with Drama and Theatre Arts from Middlesex University and a Post Graduate in Photography from Central St Martins School of Art. Othello has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions in London.

For the past two years he has been doing a part-time MA in Visual Art (Fine Art) at Camberwell College of Art, working on a project that explores Masculinity.

Masculinity Project Phase 3 (IN), 2011 exhibition: Open to the Public Friday 2-Thursday 8 September 2011

Mapping culture was an Iniva Learning project created with Othello De’Souza-Hartley where a group of year 5 and year 6 at Shacklewell school produced a ‘culture map’.

The young people photographed places and objects around their school that they felt represented culture, marking them on the map with their personal connections written on index cards. The final map represents a personal and collective.  The project was created in collaboration with A Space.

Find out more about Iniva Learning projects here: https://iniva.org/learning