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Art & Economies: further reading recommendation

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The Wal-Mart Phenomenon: Resisting Neo-liberal Power through Art, Design and Theory

Through our research on the subject of economy and how creative practices explore the subject I came across this rather interesting book.  It is from 2008, so published right about the time that a few countries were facing a ‘financial crises’.  The book is edited by Benda Hofmeyr.

Book synopsis from the publisher Jan Van Eyck Academie:
Against the backdrop of Robert Greenwald’s documentary, WAL-MART. The High Cost of Low Pricethis multi-disciplinary yet cohesive volume calls upon intellectual, artistic and cultural producers themselves to oppose the progressive disappearance of the autonomous worlds of cultural production, cinema, publishing, etc., and therefore, ultimately, of cultural products themselves. It seeks to excavate the present-day workings of neo-liberal power and possible strategies of resistance. The contributors focus both on the documentary and artistic media used to reflect upon these phenomena as well as the actual socio-political and economic processes underlying them and following in their wake from the perspectives of art, design and theory (philosophy and social geography).