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Interviews with Roee Rosen

There’s just a few days of Roee Rosen’s exhibition Vile, Evil Veil to go but we have some interesting interviews with the artist to share with those are would like know more about his views and the politics and that inspires his work…


Roee Rosen

Electric Sheep Magazine recorded an interview with Roee after seeing the exhibition for their Resonance FM show ‘I’m Ready for my Close Up’ which is available to download as a podcast. The conversation touches on Israeli politics and Rosen’s belief that all the three main parties are really right wing parties as well as Rosen’s opinion of politician Avigdor Lieberman. He also describes how the sadomasicistic session featured in his film Out / Tse and the relationships invovled in the session relate to politics.

electric sheep

Iniva have also produced a short film where the artist offers a more general introduction to his work, which you can view here.